My Failed Attempt at Sidebar Cleaning

09th November, 2015.4:00pm

Blogging 201, Day Six: The Unclattered Sidebar

Thank God this came today. I was meaning to clean my sidebar because for the past few weeks now, and for some reason I can’t quite explain, my social media widgets just aren’t showing. And being a little OC with this kind of thing, it bothers me how the others are nowhere to be seen. I didn’t do anything with the code to mess it up so I really don’t know why it happened. So to avoid annoying myself, I simply ignore that part of my blog. That is, until now.

There’s really nothing more that I want to change with my sidebar except that little part right there. So finally, after a few weeks of procrastinating, I checked my widgets page. First off, double-checking the codes.

html editor
My Ever Reliable HTML Friend

When I want to do HTML and see if something is wrong, I always do it manually using a real-time HTML editor. What I did was I copied the codes from my Widgets page and pasted it over the website and see what’s wrong with it. Obviously, it wasn’t a bug that WordPress caused. So I tried diagnosing my code.

One of the first things I did was type the codes manually. I even tried searching for other social media icons and uploaded it on my blog but it just doesn’t work. So I tried another solution: Use the Social Media Icons widget. I thought this time it will work. It was worse. If using my own codes and images show only three Social Media links, with WordPress’ very own widget, it only shows ONE. What the heck is happening with the world (wide web)?!


(Old Social Media Icons Sidebar) – Messed up and I don’t know why


(New Social Media Icons Sidebar) – Yup, still messed up

I don’t really like asking for help when it comes to HTML because I know I can find a solution myself but this time, it’s just getting me really frustrated I may actually need help. Please. Help?



7 thoughts on “My Failed Attempt at Sidebar Cleaning

  1. Pingback: Photo Dilemma (Still) | When My Brain Farts

  2. I’m sorry you’re having trouble. I don’t know the first thing about social media or HTML, so I’m afraid I can’t help you; but I just wanted to say I’m sorry you’re having so much difficulty. I hope you sort it out soon.

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