One Lovely Blog Award

20th October, 2014. 1:10pm

one lovely blog award

Photo c/o:

Since I’ve already done the Liebster Award for the third time now, I decided to skip that and proceed with the other award already — the One Lovely Blog Award. I mean, wow. Really? Mine? A (one) lovely blog? Aww, thank you, Evolving Ruminations! I wish I can nominate you back.

Now, on to the One Lovely Blog Award. Rules are simple:


Photo c/o:

Okay? Got it? Good.

Since I’ve already thank Evolving Ruminations for this wonderful nomination (THANK YOUUUUU!!!), let me move on to the 7 facts about myself.

Hmm, seven more facts? What else can I reveal something about me self? Let me see…

  1. I wrote my first byline article when I was 18 years old. It was an article that I wrote for my Featured Writing class that I shared with a friend (who was working for a local teen glossy at the time). When she read my article (which was about me and my Mom), she told me she’d share it with the magazine’s then Editor-in-Chief and said that they want to publish my story. The article was published May 2005, the month where Mother’s Day is being celebrated.
  2. I can finish an average of 5 700ml tumblers of water everyday. Coffee not included.
  3. I can’t sleep without reading first.
  4. I’m the world’s best procrastinator, but when my Superwoman mode is on, I can finish a hell of a lot of tasks in a short amount of time.
  5. I don’t know if I have shared this before but I like talking to myself… A LOT.
  6. I don’t sleep on the road… except when I’m really, really, REALLY tired and sleepy.
  7. During our end of the year award ceremony before college graduation, the Mass Communication Department gave me the Most Active Mass Comm student award. It was the first time that award was ever given to any student. Until now I still don’t know why I was given that award, when all I did was follow my professor’s instructions to do 100 hours of interning for the Mass Comm Department student body, Communicator’s Guild.

Phew! That took quite a while. Okay, before I nominate 15 bloggers, allow me to answer Evolving Ruminations’ questions for the Liebster Award first:

What’s your favourite dessert?
Either of the following: Cheesecake, Brownies (a la mode), or Ice Cream

What’s the longest you’ve slept at a stretch?
18 hours, I think?

Name at least 3 books that have impacted you (bonus points for why).
Harry Potter series – It was JK Rowling who made me fall in love with reading; Cinderella – it, along with the other fairy tales I’ve seen, was the reason I love fairy tales and musicals; Brain on Fire by Suzanna Cahalan – it was the reason this blog was even born.

What activity do you find most therapeutic?
Reading, writing and listening to music

What is your favourite colour and the least favourite?
Oh my gosh, I don’t think I can answer this because I love colors so much. I don’t have a least favorite (at least I can’t think of one), but my favorites are red… pink… and white, black, turquoise (or robin’s egg blue), purple, and green.

Name one song that you find timeless.

I’m Gonna Be (500 miles) – I didn’t realize how beautiful this song is until I heard (saw) it performed on So You Think You Can Dance. Sleeping At Last’s rendition was just soooooo beautiful.

What is your biggest achievement in life and why?
Finishing school without stopping or failing. Why was this my greatest achievement in life? Because I wasn’t the brightest in class (I was the Cum Laude’s best friend, though) but I was the first in my siblings to finish school without stopping, getting remedial classes or tutoring.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I’d say banning books to be banned but I’m gonna go with putting too high taxes on cigarettes. I just hate them. Especially when a smoker puffs the smoke RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. It’s so goddamn annoying!

What are the top places you want to visit ?
1. Every city in my country; 2. Paris; 3. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida

If there is one thing that you would desperately want to do right now, what would that be ?
Move out and get my own place. Or get rid of the pests living in our house, perhaps.

Last but not the least, why did you decide to blog?
Like I said, I blog because it’s therapy and it’s fun and it doesn’t cost a penny.

Now, I pass the baton of awesomeness to the following bloggers who so deserve the nominations (and I’m so sorry if it didn’t reach 15):

  1.  I Put The Ass in Sassy
  2. The Fickle Heartbeat
  3. Staying Mom
  4. and Berryduchess (even though I know she’s already done this)

The good thing about this is that the nominees have the freedom whether they want to continue on the tradition or not. Although it’d be great to see you pass the torch to someone else, it is entirely up to you to accept this or not so, break a leg!


I also wanted to thank RunningRevCollins for nominating me for yet another One Lovely Blog Award. I don’t know what you guys saw in my blog that makes you include me on your list, but I just want you to know that it always, ALWAYS warms my heart. Again, THANK YOU.






6 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Pingback: I’ve been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award! | Staying Mom

  2. You really deserve the award 🙂 Thanks a ton for answering my questions !! I love talking to my self too – do it most of the time, especially when I lack a secondary entity with whom I can share my thoughts with. It’s important, makes us good listeners too you see 😛 Astonishingly I also tend to dwell in between the procrastinator-superwoman modes 😀 (though I spend more time in the first category!) 😛
    What’s even more astonishing are your choices in terms of favourite desserts, colours, and therapeutic activities – I have the same answers !! :O great minds?? 😛 😛

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